Investigation of influence of the rubber crumb, as a stabilizing additive, on the properties of stone-mastic asphalt
DOI:Ключові слова:
Stone mastic asphalt, stone mastic asphalt mixture, stabilizing additive, crush rubber, granular cellulose additive, properties, uniformity, binder runoff index.Анотація
Problem It is noted that ensuring uniformity of crushed stone-mastic asphalt mixtures (SMA) at the stage of their preparation and use is one of the conditions that significantly affects the properties and durability of arranged layers of road pavement. Ensuring uniformity as a technological characteristic, the criterion of which is the binder runoff index, can be carried out by introducing stabilizing additives of various origins into the composition of SMA. The stability over time is uniform, and its concentration in the composition of mixtures of a certain type depends on the effectiveness. Goal. The article presents the results of experimental studies based on the effect of the stabilizing additive "Myactive 75", which is a rubber crumb that is crushed from old truck tires, on the uniformity index of SMA-15 and the properties of stone-mastic asphalt (SMA) of the SMA-15 form. Results. It was found that with an increase in the concentration of rubber crumb, as a stabilizing additive, in the composition of SMA-15, an increase in the uniformity of the mixture at technological temperatures is observed. It has been shown that to ensure the same binder runoff rate in SMA-15, it is necessary to introduce 1,5 times more "Myactive 75" stabilizing additive as compared with the “Viatop-66” stabilizing cellulose additive. Under these conditions, SMA-15 in terms of physical and mechanical properties and frizz resistance is absolutely not inferior to SMA-15, which contains 0,4% by weight of the mineral part of the stabilizing additive “Viatop-66”.Посилання
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