Distributing efforts in a lane on an elastic base loaded by a single force when using different models of ground


  • V. Kozhushko Kharkov National Automobile and Highway University, Україна
  • I. Lysiakov Kharkov National Automobile and Highway University,



Ключові слова:

concentrated force, bending moment, shear force, reactive pressure diagram, linearly deformable half-plane, linearly deformable layer of finite thickness, Winkler model


The problem of the nature of distributing reactive pressures from the force applied in the middle of a single force lane is investigated depending on the flexibility of the “strip-soil” system and the model of the ground base. It is shown that the nature of the distribution of reactive pressure changes dramatically for the systems with different flexibility index and with the application of different models of ground. Three models of the ground base are considered; linearly deformable half-plane, linearly deformable layer of finite thickness and the Winkler model. The change in the nature of the plot of reactive pressures causes a significant change in the values of the internal forces (bending moments and shear forces).



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