Applied aspects of problems with efficiency of BIM technologies of motor transport infrastructure objects


  • G. Velichko Credo-Dialog Company, Білорусь


Ключові слова:

BIM technologies, CAD systems, GIS systems, transport infrastructure, information modeling of objects


Problem. The need to transfer to a new, digital format of almost all the processes of creating and operating of motor transport infrastructure facilities is quite obvious and officially recognized in most industrially developed countries of the world. Currently, well-known examples of continuous fragments of BIM technologies work with a single object model only on the platform of one manufacturer. Therefore, the solution to the problem of using the necessary or more effective functionality of platforms of other manufacturers is associated with the routine processes of data conversion or model reassembly according to their rules. This leads to the loss of important information or to its fragmentation into elementary components, which excludes the possibility of changing design decisions by methods effective for them. Goal. The purpose of this article is to consider the applied aspects of the problems of the effectiveness of BIM technologies of motor transport infrastructure facilities. Results. The necessity of transferring the activities of the country’s automotive industry to a new, digital format related to the need to resolve many organizational, legal, technical and other problems is substantiated. The inextricably linked process of improving the norms and rules of research, design, construction and operation of motor transport infrastructure will increase the demand for new, scientifically-based solutions for BIM technologies, as well as for qualified experts in the field of their development, implementation and practical application. The growing importance of scientific research and new training programs adapted to the digital formats of their future activities is also obvious. Originality. The article formulates the goals of the new provisions of the paradigm of information modeling of motor transport infrastructure objects, examples of the practical implementation of the new provisions of the paradigm in the geometric design of motor transport infrastructure objects. Practical value. Examples of solving the problem of integrating solutions of platforms of various manufacturers and an alternative method of reducing the risks of road accidents when tracing roads with variable speed curves VGV_Kurve are given.

Біографія автора

G. Velichko, Credo-Dialog Company

Ph.D., Chief Designer of Credo-Dialog Company


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