Methodology of estimating aesthetic qualities of car roads
DOI:Ключові слова:
aesthetic condition, inspection of roads, technical and operational indicators, architectural and landscape support, landscapingАнотація
Problem. The existing road consumer property assessment system is analyzed. The perception of the aesthetic state of roads by users depends on the integrity of the surrounding landscape, ensuring the transport and operational condition of the road and road structures, cleanliness of the environment and the like. Attractive terrain, smooth road and good information and aesthetic qualities of the road do not cause drivers’ fatigue, thus contributing to the prevention of road accidents. The current system of assessment of consumer properties takes into account not only the transport and operational condition of roads, but also their ergonomic and information-aesthetic qualities. The particularly important component of the aesthetic qualities of roads is the presence and condition of roadsides. The decorative qualities of roadside vegetation are assessed by the degree of influence on drivers, on the trajectory and mode of movement, it also has aesthetic indicators. Goal. The purpose of the work is to develop a clear, accessible methodology for quantifying the aesthetic state of highways by levels of aesthetic appeal. Results. To quantify the aesthetic condition of roads by levels of aesthetic appeal, it is proposed to use a method of comparing the values of relevant indicators characterizing the aesthetic state of roads with allowable values (requirements) by the criterion of presence or absence of a defect. If one of the indicators does not meet the acceptable value, the drawbacks of attractiveness are determined and the respective points are evaluated. The subsystem of the aesthetic condition of the highway and the roadside space consists of a set of the following indicators according to their three groups: technical and operational indicators and elements, in accordance with the aesthetic condition of the road; aesthetic state of architectural and landscape support and improvement; aesthetic state of landscaping. Estimation of the aesthetic condition of roads by levels of aesthetic attractiveness is determined according to the weighted average values of the state of the elements or indicators of a highway or a section of road, which are calculated.Посилання
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