Collapse of the bridge span extended by prefabri-cated-monolitic plate after 30 years of operation
DOI:Ключові слова:
existing bridge, reconstruction, technical condition, concrete strength, accident, collapse of beams, checking calculations, causes of accidentАнотація
The structural solution of reconstruction of reinforced concrete bridge, built in 60th of the last century according to the scheme 3×22,2 m, with widening of the span structure from the G-7+2×0,75 m to G-10+2×1,5 m by precast-monolithic ribbed plate with cantilever overhangs is considered. The main advantages and disadvantages of this structural solution, which during the reconstruction of the bridge was a new scientific and technical development of the Lviv Polytechnic Institute and under the decision of the Scientific and Technical Council of the Ministry of Construction of Ukraine, were implemented in the reconstruction of bridges at the stage of experimental construction.
During the reconstruction, the strengthening of the intermediate support was carried out, which, due to the erosion of the base under the foundation, had a one-sided inclination up to 30 cm. The strengthening is arranged on both sides of the existing support of 1,2 m diameter concrete pillars, supported on a rocky base, and united above by a monolithic reinforced concrete crossbar located within the height of the existing beams and the paving slab. Thus, for the two adjacent to this support spans, the static scheme was changed from a simply supported section to a frame-non-slit with a rigid knot above the support capable of perceiving the bending moment and thereby reducing the bending moment in the span, that is, to strengthen the beams. However, due to the mistake made in the bridge reconstruction project – the lack of a pressure longitudinal working armature in a rigid frame assembly, the statically indetermination over the support was fictitious and did not provide strengthening of the beams in adjacent spans.
The circumstances of the accident of the reconstructed bridge after 30 years of its operation with the destruction and collapse of the beams of medium (channel) span are described. Inspection and analysis of the operating conditions revealed significant violations of the normative rules for maintaining the bridge and the presence of non-liquidated defects of the paving slab and the bridge web, which in time caused the corrosion and destruction of concrete shelves (compressed zone) of existing beams, as well as a significant reduction in their strength and destruction from the crush of the compressed zone without any warning signs to the fluidity of the longitudinal working armature.
Checking calculations of the extended span structure for the load normalized at the time of designing are performed in order to check the correctness of the made design decisions of reconstruction, as well as the actual operating loads at the time of destruction of the span structure. These calculations confirmed the possibility of the destruction of the beams due to the decrease of concrete strength.
In the conclusion, the causes of the bridge accident are formulated as a result of a coincidence of adverse factors: unpatched defects of the plate and bridge pavement, designers’ error, violation of the rules of bridge operation.
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