Intelligent information and control system of hybrid and electric vehicles
DOI:Ключові слова:
electric car, hybrid car, intelligence, system, synthesisАнотація
The methodology of building an intelligent information-control system by the power plant for hybrid and electric vehicles is considered in the paper. A distinctive feature of the methodology is the methods of artificial intelligence for solving the problems of “Movement” and the technology of intellectualization of the synthesis of “Recuperation” and “Movement” modes of hybrid and electric vehicles, implemented in the form of an integrated graph. Today, it remains an important solution to the problem of developing intelligent information and control systems for a hybrid and electric vehicle propulsion system. The purpose of functioning of the intelligent information management system of the power plant is to minimize energy consumption in the modes of “Recuperation” and “Movement”. The solution to these problems was carried out by means of the intellectualization technology for the synthesis of optimal control, implemented as an integrated graph. On the basis of the results, obtained at the stage of the analysis of the subject area, the construction of a promising structure of the intelligent control system of the hybrid and electric vehicle power plant a occurs, i.e. the basic subsystems are determined, the optimal composition of procedures in the functional modules of the subsystems, the mathematical, informational, technical and software are determined. At the same time, one of the most important criteria for identifying subsystems and functional modules is to minimize the number of information links of the system. The system is presented as a set of loosely coupled parts. Weak communication between the parts of the system means the absence of feedbacks, as well as the intensive exchange of information. Results. The methodological foundations of the synthesis of intellectualized optimal information management systems are formulated and justified.
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