The effect of chloride deicing materials on road safety in winter


  • Andrii Siedov Kharkov National Automobile and Highway University, Україна
  • Olena Fomenko Kharkov National Automobile and Highway University, Україна


Ключові слова:

Winter slippery, chloride anti-icing materials, road surfaces, adhesion coefficient.


Problem. The winter period is characterized by a large number of traffic accidents. The reason for the occurrence of traffic accidents is precisely slippery road surface. During icy conditions, vehicle handling is impaired, resulting in traffic accidents. Goal. In Ukraine, a chemical method is used to combat winter slippage, namely, chloride deicing materials. The aim of the work is to study the laws of reducing the adhesion characteristics of the road surface depending on the properties of the solutions formed after the use of chemical deicing materials. Methodology. Standard methods for investigating the coefficient of adhesion of the road surface are used. Results. The article discusses the possible consequences of the use of anti-icing materials, which are to reduce the adhesion characteristics of the coating when a reagent solution film is formed on it after processing. It is this solution that make smoother the natural micro-profile of the coating, thus reducing the adhesion coefficient. Weather conditions also change the coefficient of adhesion of pavements moistened with reagents: as the air temperature decreases, the coefficient values will decrease due to an increase in the viscosity of the reagents. Practical value.  When assessing the properties of anti-icing materials, it is necessary to study their effect on the adhesion coefficients of paving of various roughness at various concentrations and temperatures. It is also necessary to take into account weather conditions - air temperature during the cold period, the intensity and duration of rainfall. In addition, the introduction of anti-icing material substances that reduce the viscosity of the resulting solution will reduce the negative impact on the adhesion coefficient of the coating.

Біографії авторів

Andrii Siedov, Kharkov National Automobile and Highway University

Ph.D., Assoc. Prof. Department of Road Construction and Maintena

Olena Fomenko, Kharkov National Automobile and Highway University

Lecturer at the Department of Road Construction and Maintenance


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