Analysis of the regulatory framework to the concept of calculated speed


  • I. Kiiashko Kharkiv National Automobile and Highway University, Україна


Ключові слова:

Road design standards, road classification, estimated speed.


Problem. The article analyzes and compares national and European regulations on road design. Goal. As the comparison of domestic and foreign norms with regard to the technical classification of roads has shown, our norms are substantially inferior to foreign ones, both in terms of general approaches and in terms of accounting for the number of factors affecting road safety. Results. One of the key indicators for the norms for highway design is the calculation of the speed of movement, on the basis of which the normative values of most geometrical parameters and elements of roads should be determined. It is necessary to take into account the approaches used abroad for the design speed, taking the estimated traffic flow rate of 85 % security. The value of the calculated speed in the norms of foreign countries, unlike our norms, is determined by the calculation taking into account the geometric parameters of the projected highway. The integration of Ukraine’s roads into the world, in particular, into the European road network requires bringing the Ukrainian road classification into line with the international one. In the current classification, there is no such thing as a class of roads, highways, unlike the use of these concepts in world practice. The design speed of traffic is set as a guideline of economic and technical value, taking into account national economic state or regional interests based on the functional importance of the road in the road transport network. Based on the calculated speed, the acceptable and recommended values for most geometric parameters and road elements are determined. Design (estimated) speed, should be taken depending on the category of road, the desired level of service and the complexity of the terrain.

Біографія автора

I. Kiiashko, Kharkiv National Automobile and Highway University

PhD, Professor.


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