Comparative analysis of regulatory documents for the design of roads
DOI:Ключові слова:
Regulatory document, design, road, technical requirements.Анотація
Abstract. The analysis of regulatory documents on the design of roads in Ukraine and the Republic of the Congo. Differences in terms of traffic intensity, estimated speed, longitudinal slope values, curves in the plan and longitudinal profile, width of the subgrade, roadway and curb, as well as visibility distances are considered. The main difference is that in Ukraine the category of road is determined by the intensity of cars movement, and in the Republic of the Congo the category of road is determined by the intensity of movement of heavy freight vehicles. All the main differences in the standards are based on this. The values of the estimated speed in the Ukrainian regulatory documents are 10-20 km/h higher than the standards of the Republic of Congo. Longitudinal slope values vary within five ppm. The analysis of the values of the smallest radii of the curves in the plan as well as the convex and concave curves in the longitudinal profile showed that in Ukrainian standards these values are greater for all categories of roads. The width of the carriageway in Ukraine for the first, second and third categories is not significantly (0.25 m.) less than in Congo. Due to the fact that the settlement vehicle is a freight car in Congo, the width of the subgrade on the roads of the first and third categories is greater. The values of visibility distances in the regulatory documents of Ukraine are much larger than in the regulatory documents of the Republic of the Congo. The analysis performed can serve as initial data for studying the influence of geometric parameters on road safety.
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