The effect of parking on traffic conditions on main streets


  • Galina Fomenko Kharkiv National Automobile and Highway University, Україна


Ключові слова:

Traffic flows, traffic intensity, car parking, capacity, traffic speed, congestion, traffic safety.


Abstract. The growth of the car fleet and the increase in traffic is accompanied by an increase in traffic, and in conditions of cities with historically formed buildings leads to traffic problems. It is especially evident on the sections of the road network with a large number of intersections on the motorways. They are characterized by an increase in traffic delays, queues and congestion formation, a decrease in communication speed, an increase in fuel consumption, increased triggering of vehicles. In addition, the environmental condition of the sections of the motorways is deteriorating. With the increase in the number of cars, the negative features of motorization are manifesting themselves, namely, a significant decrease in the speed of traffic flows on the road network due to traffic delays. Traffic delays and congestion are affected by a number of factors: the width of the roadway, the mode of traffic lights, the presence of parked cars along the edges of the roadway, the geographical location of the streets, traffic accidents, the driver’s psychological status, level of professional training, etc. The constant increase in the number of vehicles on city highways leads to periodic congestion of the road network. Congestion can be considered as a negative factor of active motorization in conditions of shortage of road space. Traffic congestion, like any traffic delays, leads to economic losses: the cost of time, the decrease in the efficiency of freight traffic, the increase of fuel costs, the increase in the number of accidents. Studies of traffic conditions were conducted on the street Pushkinskaya, which is classified as one of the main streets of city value. The formation of traffic flows on the main street is caused by the merger of flows from the crossroads and adjacent streets. Movement of traffic flows down the street is in the direction both to the central part of the city and in the opposite direction. This section creates difficult traffic conditions that are highly dependent on the large number of vehicles parked along the roadway. The location of parked vehicles with different dimensions reduces the width of the roadway, which significantly affects the speed of traffic, traffic capacity and traffic safety.

Біографія автора

Galina Fomenko, Kharkiv National Automobile and Highway University

PhD, Associate Professor Department of Highway Design, Geodesy and Land Management.


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