Substantiating the boundaries of the climate regions of the territory of Ukraine in conditions of modern climate change
DOI:Ключові слова:
Climate change, temperature regime, non-rigid road clothing, climatic characteristics, climatic zoning, natural and climatic factors.Анотація
Problem. At present, when the rapid trend of significant changes in the climate of Ukraine has already been clearly outlined, including changes in the temperature regime and the associated water-thermal regime of non-rigid pavement designs, which have led to a mismatch between the current regionalization of Ukraine to the actual regime of non-rigid maternity clothing. Of particular importance are these issues in the calculation of coating layers from materials based on organic binders in the limit states and strength criteria. Taking into account variable values of strength and deformation characteristics of asphalt concrete and materials treated with an organic binder is also used to model the stress-strain state of pavement. Currently, in the design of non-rigid pavement, zoning of the territory of Ukraine is used according to the working conditions of asphalt concrete, developed more than 40 years ago. Its use is not advisable. Because zoning is based on taking into account the maximum summer and minimum winter coating temperatures, the number of transitions through 0 ° C, as well as the annual rainfall of the past 30-year climate period. Today, due to the rapid trend of climate change, the indicators of temperature and water-thermal conditions have changed. Therefore, there is a need for improved climatic zoning of Ukraine for calculating non-rigid pavement according to strength criteria
Goal. There is a need for data collection and a systematic analysis of modern climate changes, justification of the climatic regions of the territory of Ukraine according to the operating conditions of asphalt concrete based on system analysis; calculation of non-rigid pavement according to strength criteria, assessment and prediction of the condition of automobile roads, justification and introduction of changes in the climatic regionalization of the territory of Ukraine. Methodology. The scientific and methodological basis of the study adopted a systematic analysis of modern climate change, and justification of the climatic regions of Ukraine Results. Based on the basic climatic parameters that determine the working conditions of mainly asphalt concrete layers, a more detailed scheme of zoning of the territory of Ukraine was proposed, which gives modern conditions for the operation of asphalt concrete. Originality. The substantiation of the climatic regions of the territory of Ukraine has been improved. The results obtained are based on a systematic analysis of modern climate changes. Practical value. The results can be used in the design of non-rigid pavement on the main roads of Ukraine.Посилання
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