Features of the functional classification of roads
https://doi.org/10.30977/BUL.2219-5548.2019.86.2.74Ключові слова:
Roads classification, functional classification of roads, category of road, standards for the road design.Анотація
Problem The article is devoted to the functional classification of roads and the need for its application in modern standards for the roads design. In Ukraine the role and importance of the roads functional classification is clearly underestimated, which is due to the lack of a transport planning system, whose purpose is to establish a hierarchy of the road network taking into account the functions performed by each street or road (transit traffic, local traffic, and so on), and insufficient information on the benefits of functional systems. Goal. The objective of the work is to determine the criteria for the classification of roads by functional features and to modernize design standards in terms of establishing the category of road. Methodology. The need for a functional classification of roads was initially associated with the development of the road network and the need to streamline its planning. The growth of traffic flows required their optimization and the need to take into account their composition and traffic conditions when normalizing the main parameters of roads. This issue escalated with the beginning of the creation of a system for the formation and use of land, since land use is an important factor determining the function of roads. Given the low level of motorization in the past and the low density of the road network, this problem arose in our country much later. Accordingly, only at the end of the 80s did we have a functional classification in the norms of designing a road network. Already in the middle of the last century, it became apparent that individual roads or streets cannot serve any trip. Most trips involve traffic on a network of roads. For this, it is necessary to determine the conditions (routes) of the most efficient traffic, whose requirements the components of this network must satisfy. This problem is solved using the functional classification of roads, during which the streets and roads are divided into classes or systems, depending on the nature of the served connections. Results. One important advantage of the system of functional classification of roads cannot be overlooked: as you know, the main cause of accidents when driving in traffic flows is the difference in speeds. Due to the formation of roads with more homogeneous traffic flows, in which it is possible to provide similar speeds for different vehicles, the functional classification can significantly increase the level of road safety. It is advisable to start improving design standards by improving the classification of roads, which is an essential element of the regulatory system in the road sector. In this case, one must take into account foreign experience in classifying highways according to functional requirements. Originality. In Ukraine, insufficient attention is paid to the functional classification of roads. Publications covering the issues of functional classification of Ukrainian roads are very few. At present, the functional classification of roads is present in the norms of all developed countries of the world, The analysis of foreign experience confirms the validity of its introduction. Practical value. Functional classification can be used in planning the development of the road network, determining the appropriate administrative affiliation, and also as a guide for developing standards for the design of various types of roads.Посилання
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