Validation of the design load parameters taking into account the road roughness.


  • Hor Sarkisian Kharkiv National Automobile and Highway University, Україна


Ключові слова:

Pavement, load, road roughness, dynamic coefficient, probability.


Flatness of the coating is one of the main transport and operational characteristics of the road. With the deterioration of flatness, the contact process of the vehicle wheel and the coating changes, as a result of which the parameters of the calculated load on the pavement change. Knowing the design load, you can determine the desired strength and deformability of the pavement. Goal. The aim of the study is to substantiate the design load parameters taking into account the evenness of the coating. To achieve this goal, it is necessary to establish a relationship between the evenness of the coating and the dynamic coefficient of the load. Methodology. The methods of system analysis, statistical processing and mathematical modeling were used. Results. As a result of the study, the data were collected from various sources and statistically processed, summarized and analyzed data on the evenness of the surface of roads. It has been established that, taking into account the expected intensity of pavement degradation in road sections, the dynamic coefficient should be taken depending on the average equality indicator. Approximating dependencies are obtained to determine the expected evenness in areas with different probabilities. On average: IRI10 5% probability of 1.8 times the average IRI200; IRI10 8% probability - 1.6 times; IRI10 10% probability - 1.52 times. The dependences of the dynamic coefficient on the evenness of the pavement on the road section are established. Originality. The results of the study will determine the predicted estimated load on the pavement in different years of operation of the road; they will determine the residual life of the coating taking into account changes in evenness over time. Practical value. The results of the study were used in the development of guidelines for the design of non-rigid pavement under the design load of group A1.

Біографія автора

Hor Sarkisian, Kharkiv National Automobile and Highway University

Assistant professor at the Department of Highway Design, Geodesy and Land Management.


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