Rationale of the calculation load on the main roads of Ukraine


  • Vitaliy Ryapukhin Kharkiv National Automobile and Highway University, Україна



Ключові слова:

Vehicles, wheel load, road wear, estimated load, drive factors.


Problem. Regulatory requirements for the design of non-rigid pavements on roads of categories I-II for an estimated load of A1 -130 kN still have a number of vaguely defined provisions. First of all, this is a question, by what parameters of the traffic flow should the load of group A1 be taken, and not A2? The recommendation to take as a basis the feasibility study of the load has a lot of uncertainty and an insufficient calculation base for assessing the impact of heavy load on the performance of different designs of pavement. Goal. Based on the analysis of the composition of traffic flows on the main roads of Ukraine, taking into account the weight parameters of heavy vehicles, establish criteria or parameters of traffic flows, upon reaching which there is reason to accept the estimated load of group A1. Methodology. The scientific and methodological basis of the study adopted a systematic analysis of transport flows on the main roads of Ukraine in combination with modeling the equivalent load on the pavement. Results. Based on long-term statistical data on the intensities and composition of traffic on the main roads, the typical (characteristic) composition of the traffic flow, weight and design parameters of heavy-duty, multi-axle vehicles are determined. Based on the obtained data on the intensity and composition of traffic flows, weight and structural parameters of trucks, primarily heavy vehicles, modeling was carried out to determine the equivalent load for group A1. In further analysis, this served as the basis for determining the values of the main parameters of the composition of trucks of traffic flows, at which the estimated load of group A1 should be taken in the calculations. Originality. The methodological and criteria base for the selection of the design load has been improved. The results obtained are based on a systematic analysis of transport flows on the main roads of Ukraine and a modern calculation base for bringing the actual composition of the traffic flow to the estimated equivalent load. Practical value. The results can be used in the design of non-rigid pavement on the main roads of Ukraine.

Біографія автора

Vitaliy Ryapukhin, Kharkiv National Automobile and Highway University

Professor, Candidate of Science (Engineering), Professor of the Department of Designing Roads, Geodesy and Land Management.


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