Checking the conformity of the grain-size composition of road cement concrete mixtures
DOI:Ключові слова:
Grain-size composition, crushed stone, sand, cement concrete, durabilityАнотація
Problem. The article is devoted to operational quality control of grain-size composition of road cement-concrete mixtures for use on highways of Ukraine. The results of the experimental research are presented, which testify to the non-conformity of the planned grain composition to the actual production composition, as well as the influence on it of a number of factors that significantly affect the quality of the mixture and the durability of cement concrete. Object of the study is grain-size composition of road cement-concrete mixtures. Purpose of the study is to develop a method for verifying the design of the grain composition with the real one on the production of road cement-concrete mixtures for operational control of their quality. Methodology is statistical analysis of scientific publications, technical, regulatory literature and experimental. On the basis of the research conducted, a method was developed, intended to analyze the grain-size composition of cement-concrete road mixtures under the operational control of their quality. The suggested method of grain-size analysis of cement-concrete road mixtures includes the following operations: determination of the amount of a coarse aggregate (crushed stone) and a fine aggregate (sand). The method involves the separation from the cement-concrete mixture of a coarse aggregate and a fine aggregate, and the decomposition (in fractions) in the specified sequence (sieve method). Results. On the basis of the research conducted, a method was developed, intended to analyze the grain-size composition of road cement-concrete mixtures.Посилання
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Certificate № 81519 of Registration of the Copyright to the Assessment of Conformity of Grain-Size Composition of Cement-Concrete Road Mixtures paper from September 14, 2018 (Onyshchenko A.M., Garkusha M.V., Chyzhen-ko N.P).
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М 42.1-37641918-772:2018 THE METHOD of Grain-Size Analysis of Cement-Concrete Road Mixtures.