Method of geoinformation support of quantitative land accounting
DOI:Ключові слова:
Quantitative land accounting, administrative reporting form, geoinformation system, geospatial database, spatial object class.Анотація
Abstract. The process of completing administrative forms of quantitative land accounting in Ukraine includes three levels: basic, regional and national. At the basic level, data is collected for each land plot, at the regional level – for the territories of the administrative-territorial units, at the national level – for the lands of Ukraine. From 01.01.2016 the new forms of administrative reporting on quantitative land registration №№ 11-zem, 12-zem, 15-zem, 16-zem were approved. By July 1, 2016, the state statistical reporting data from the quantitative land registration to the new quantitative land reporting forms had to be completed, but it did not happen in the specified period. When comparing the 6-earth and 16-land quantitative forms at the baseline, it is revealed that information on land such as water and forest lands can be completely transferred to the 16-land form, but there are no limitations data in the 6-land form of land. Other information may be transferred in part or to another category of land. The proportion of data that can be completely transferred from the 6-earth form to the 16-zem form is about 42%. The proposed method of geoinformation support for the formation of administrative forms of reporting quantitative land accounting at the basic level includes the transfer of data from statistical reporting forms of quantitative land accounting and supplementation of land inventory data, for the automation of which the use of opportunities of geoinformation technologies is proposed. It includes 4 steps: uploading source data to the work area, creating a geodatabase, layers and tables, digitizing the data and filling in the geodatabase, entering statistics into the master table of the geodatabase. The proposed geoinformation system for quantitative land accounting allows to determine the areas of land and owners (users) of land plots, to detect cadastral data errors and to fill in the administrative reports of the settlement at the basic level in a short time, while improving the quality of data collection, processing and systematization.Посилання
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