GIS analysis of dangerous geological processes in a residential area
DOI:Ключові слова:
Raster image, GIS, morphometric parameters, height matrix.Анотація
Problem The article analyzes the data of high-altitude remote sensing of the Earth, which are in the public domain. The outcome of the studies does not give a description of the data accuracy for the urban environment and do not use these data for urban planning. For example, zoning of the territory. Goal. Analysis of open data high-altitude remote sensing of the Earth and the structure of the DEM in relation to the terms of the settlement to identify dangerous geologic processes on its territory. Methodology. To achieve this goal, it is necessary to use algorithms for mathematical processing of specialized raster images, which are the part of the GIS package QGIS. Results. Elevation matrix for city conditions based on the open data as an integral part of GIS project is obtained. The height matrix is obtained by combining raster images corresponding to the height matrices of different parts of the city and then cropping within the city. The technology of transformation of images in the coordinate system, which can be used to implement algorithms for morphometric analysis of the digital terrain model is developed. The sources of errors of the height matrix are established. It is determined that the greatest influence on the local errors of the elements of the height matrix is made by the height of buildings and other high objects. Morphometric indicators of the relief of the settlement are analyzed. The classification of indicators in accordance with their scale factor and significance for the analysis of the urban area is made. The project zone of dangerous geological processes are identified and recorded in the form of GIS objects. Zones of possible destruction of high cliffs, gully activity, zones of possible flooding are accepted as such zones, Originality. For the first time the analysis of the topography of the settlement is carried out on the basis of open data of remote sensing and the areas of dangerous geological processes on the basis of new such data are revealed. Practical value. The use of these data can improve the quality of the urban project, contribute to the development of measures for the engineering protection of the city.Посилання
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