The main areas of work of the Roads Service in Kharkiv region
DOI:Ключові слова:
highway, overhaul, current average repair, maintenance, artificial structures, coatings, overpass, road industryАнотація
Problem. Achievements are summarized, the existing problems and ways of their elimination are considered, with the planning of perspective directions of work of the Roads Service in Kharkiv region. Goal. Prospective work plans for the future are mostly major and ongoing overhauls. The plan of work for the next year needs to be discussed at the State Agency for Highways of Ukraine and after that to receive necessary funds for repair and construction works and maintenance of the road network. Results. An important issue is the repair ofartificial structures. The special control of the Roads Service in Kharkiv region has six artificial structures that need priority repair and immediate financing.
The traditionally important area of work is the operational maintenance, which includes the installation, arrangement, repair and replacement of means of
organization and road safety, maintenance of the network of roads especially in winter, carrying out emergency works, which primarily relate to artificial
structures, elimination of fossil and more. Next year, in addition to financing the objects on the balance of the Roads Service in Kharkiv region at the expense of
the state budget, it is planned to increase the attraction of funds from local communities. Most highways require repair activities that need significant financial resources, both from the state budget and from the local budget. With a sufficient level of funding, with the involvement of contracting road organizations that have the necessary experience, resources and confirmed the completion of all necessary types of work with the required quality, in a few years we will significantly improve the transport and operational condition of the network of roads in the region.
Kiyashko I.V. How expensive are the roads? // Time. 2013. № 25. P. 3.
Dorozhnii odiah nezhorstkoho typu: VBN V.2.3-218-186:2004. Kyiv: Ukravtodor, 2004. 176 s.
Sporudy transportu. Avtomobilni dorohy: DBN V.2.3-4:2015. Kyiv: Minrehionbud Ukrainy, 2015. 101 s. (Natsionalnyi standart Ukrainy).
DSTU 3587-97 Bezpeka dorozhnoho rukhu. Avtomobilni dorohy, vulytsi ta zaliznychni pereizdy. Vymohy do ekspluatatsiinoho stanu.
P-H.1-218-113:2009 Tekhnichni pravyla remontu ta utrymannia avtomobilnykh dorih zahalnoho korystuvannia Ukrainy.