Technology and model of elements layout of mobile sensor node for surface water monitoring


  • Yu. Petrenko Kharkiv National Automobile and Highway University, Україна
  • A. Mikhaylova Kharkiv National Automobile and Highway University, Україна


Ключові слова:

mobile sensor node, element layout, water quality monitoring


Problem. Clean water sources are important not only for the aquatic ecosystem and natural habitats but also for the successful functioning of road transport enterprises. In the past, water quality assessment relied primarily on time-consuming measurements for data collection. Recent advances in sensor technology, robotics and the Internet of Things have led to significant progress in the environmental telemonitoring using. In the field of water monitoring, static stations or buoys have been developed by research institutes and environmental agencies with capabilities for automated measurements, data logging and wireless data transmission. One of the promising areas of reservoir monitoring technology is mobile sensor nodes, which are capable to make moving measurements in order to increase the flexibility of gathering information in locations of interest on a large-scale territory. Goal. The goal of the paper is to improve the efficiency of monitoring the quality of the aquatic environment by developing models and methods of the synthesis of a mobile sensor node to monitor the status of surface waters. Methodology. System analysis, multicriteria optimization methods and structuring of automated equipment assembly processes based on an overview of existing methods and design tools for these types of objects. Results. Generalized and partial problems of the mobile sensor node synthesis are formulated; the mathematical model of placement of main blocks for mobile sensor node is developed. Originality. Methods of system analysis and multicriteria optimization were further developed by expanding them to a new subject area – the layout of the mobile sensor node for the surface water status monitoring. Practical value. Generalized and partial models of the layout of the mobile sensor node and its main zones were developed, which, unlike the known ones, allow reducing the time for deciding on the layout of the mobile sensor node to monitor the status of surface waters based on several functional criteria, depending on their priority.

Біографії авторів

Yu. Petrenko, Kharkiv National Automobile and Highway University

Dr. Sc, Professor

A. Mikhaylova, Kharkiv National Automobile and Highway University

Master student


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