Model of choice of PHP-framework for development of web applications informatization of the project organization


  • L. Nefedov Kharkiv National Automobile and Highway University, Україна
  • N. Fil Kharkiv National Automobile and Highway University, Угорщина
  • D. Kovalev Kharkiv National Automobile and Highway University, Україна


Ключові слова:

PHP-framework, web-application, project organization, choice, method of pairwise comparisons


Problem. Under ever-increasing competition in the field of project services, each project organization looks for the ways for improving production efficiency and quality of the products, as well as reducing project time. The solution of these problems is closely connected with the application and development of information technologies used in the project organization. Today, the complexity of the programs has increased so much that it makes no sense to write code for everything from scratch. PHP-frameworks accelerate the development process; help to write structured, reusable code; make it easy to scale projects. A choice of an effective PHP-framework is an important task. Goal. The goal is to increase the efficiency and reliability of project organization management by developing a project organization information system using an effective PHP-framework. Methodology. The methods and principles of fuzzy mathematics are used. Decision-making methods in the conditions of fuzzy input data were used to develop a model for choosing a PHP-framework for informatization of the project organization. Results. The paper analyzes the problem of choosing PHP-frameworks for web application development. For the first time, a model for choosing PHP-frameworks has been developed, which, unlike existing ones, allows taking into account fuzzy information and making the choice more objective. An example of the choice of PHP frameworks is given, which proved the efficiency and feasibility of using the developed model. Further research will be focused on the practical implementation of the model in the form of a program-methodological complex. Originality. The developed model allows choosing a PHP-framework in the conditions of fuzzy information about the preferences of the web application developer. Practical value. The use of the proposed model for choosing a PHP-framework in order to develop a web application for informatization of a project organization will increase its reliability and reduce the time of a web application development.

Біографія автора

D. Kovalev, Kharkiv National Automobile and Highway University

Master student


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