Investigation of the problem of using blended learning models in the training of engineer-teacher
DOI:Ключові слова:
teaching technology, blended learning, blended learning models, pedagogical engineer, professional training, psychological and pedagogical trainingАнотація
The relevance of the problem of using gadgets, computers and technologies in an information society environment arises for modern education in the context of training a highly qualified professional with a well-formed information culture, an educated creative personality of a future specialist with a formed outlook and critical thinking. The search and use of modern technologies of education in accordance with the needs of students and the requirements for professional training of specialists becomes quite understandable and relevant for the organization and activation of study at the university, the formation of a stable cognitive interest in future professional activity. The introduction of learning technologies, their constant search and improvement in the educational process, encourages future pedagogical engineers to innovate and to constantly improve themselves. The goal of the research is to theoretically substantiate the problem of introduction of mixed learning models and to study the effectiveness of certain models in the process of organizing educational activities of students of engineering and pedagogical specialties. The methodology is based on the analysis of the concept of blended learning; it can be established that it should be understood as a combination of traditional forms of classroom training with the elements of e-learning, which use special information and communication technologies. The learning process for blended learning is seen as alternating between traditional (classroom) and distance learning. In national pedagogical science, blended learning is defined as a complex concept that should not be reduced to exclusively distance learning, where the student receives virtually no assistance from the teacher, and to standard training, using various information and communication technologies. In the process of research, the most congruent needs of the modern needs of the educational process and professional training of engineers-educators of the blended learning model were highlighted: "Inverted class", "Station rotation", "Laboratory rotation", "Flexible model". The results of the introduction of blended learning models in the psychological and pedagogical training of students of engineering and pedagogical specialties, are positive changes in the academic success of students, increase of educational and cognitive activity and development of different competencies have been established, as indicated by the corresponding dynamics of the use of certain blended learning models. Originality deals with the problem of using blended learning models in the professional development of students of engineering and pedagogical specialties, which contributes to the formation of activity and creativity both in cognitive activity and in future employment. The practical value of the introduction of blended learning models in the professional training of engineers-educators is to develop knowledge, skills and competencies of independence, develops teacher and engineer-performer, communicative, organizational skills, creative and critical thinking.
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