Cloud computing of automobile transfer and road maintenance


  • O. Aleksiyev Kharkiv National Automobile and Highway University, Україна
  • V. Aleksiyev Simon Kuznets Kharkiv National University of Economics, Україна
  • S. Neronov Kharkiv National Automobile and Highway University, Україна
  • V. Khabarov Kharkiv Scientific Production Enterprise Road Testing Technical Center, Україна


Ключові слова:

cloud computing, cloud infrastructure, computer science, car transfer, road maintenance


Problem. Basic and applied research in the field of synergetic, telematics and mechatronics of automotive computer systems is being considered. It is proposed to use the software and hardware for virtual management of transport and road enterprises. The use of Cloud Computing is recommended for the virtual management of a car transfer, its routing and road maintenance. The scientific and practical basis is a kind of virtual logistics of the motor transport system with the existing transport portal KhNAHU http://ikt. khadi. Goal. The creation of virtual management software and hardware, its intellectualization is evaluated for virtual management of a transport or a road company. In the present state of transport development and the transport infrastructure there is a contradiction between swift development of informatization means and their unification, and.solution of this contradiction consists in creating the unified information space of the transport complex, its infrastructure. The idea of the unified information space creation is an effective factor which provides synergetic union of heterogeneous computing resources of all levels and links of transport system. This may be combined with road maintenance and will give an opportunity to decrease existing obstacles of their realization. Methodology. The idea and basic tasks of problem solution of creating the unified information space in the transport consists in the statement that the transport complex effectiveness and improvement of transport services to all categories of consumers should be realized by means of the synergetic combination of heterogeneous computing resources of transport organizations. Results and originality. Such union is substantiated by on application of telematics, mechatronics and synergetic in transport which are scientific grounds of definition of telematic link: a vehicle –  telecommunication - transport situated centers. Computing support of this complex is corresponding local transport nets (LAN) and the global network Internet (WAN). Practical value. The scientific and practical basis is a kind of virtual logistics of the motor transport system with the current KhNAHU transport portal

It is the main condition of putting into practice Computer Science for creation Cloud Infrastructure of car transfer and road maintenance. The main proof of the reliability of the obtained scientific results is that they are based on the principles of the correct spatio-temporal correlation of Makimoto's special and universal solutions with regard to the Amdal law and the well-known statement of Gordon Moore. It is in the creation of the tools of this virtual control that the cognitive approach to the creation of automotive telematics lies. The basis is a synergistic integration of such technologies as WEB 1,2, 3, Internet, distribution of computer resources of the client and server part of the level of  Industry 4.0.


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