Studying the load of the upgraded traction frame suspension mechanism of the DZk-250 collection of the motor grader


  • V. Shevchenko Kharkiv National Automobile and Highway University, Україна
  • V. Ragulin Kharkiv National Automobile and Highway University, Україна
  • S. Khodyriev Kharkiv National Automobile and Highway University, Україна


Ключові слова:

motor grader, suspension mechanism of the work equipment, hydrocylinder, uneven loading


Problem. Motor grader is one of the leading machines in the road construction industry. The feature of the design is an asymmetric arrangement of the traction frame suspension mechanism (TFSM) with respect to the longitudinal axis. This results in uneven rebalance between the slave hydrocylinder and reduces the efficiency of motor graders. Goal. The purpose of the work is to study the load of the slave hydrocylinder of the modernized TFSM using a virtual model created on the basis of the Autodesk Inventor Professional software package and the MATLAB software product. Methodology. The external load is represented as a single load (1 kN). This mechanism works as follows: during the work, the operator moves the slider along the guide rail of the wedge-shaped form, using an additional hydrocylinder moving the position of the rod of the hydrocylinder the drawbar shift in the transverse plane of the motor grader movement. Results. The use of the proposed mechanism allows changing the position of the anchor point of the drawbar shift to the side, predicting the rational reduction of uneven load of the TFSM design (an average of 2.7 times) and achieving an even distribution of forces between the three hydrocylinders. The proposed mechanism can be installed on a motor grader of any class. Originality. The main recommendation is that the grader blade is operated as shown in figure 4.


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