Life management as a strategy of self-organization of degree-seeking students


  • I. Chkheailo Kharkiv National Automobile and Highway University, Україна
  • A. Chkheailo Kharkiv Educational and Scientific Institute of SHEI “Banking University”, Україна


Ключові слова:

life managemen, self-organization, self-affirmation, self-development, self-realization, synergetics, self-organizing system, human-dimensional system


The article analyzes the new life-management strategy as a technology for managing your life and a way of purposeful self-assertion in the context of self-organization theory in human-dimensional systems for purposeful development of self-organization skills, self-efficacy, self-improvement of degree-seeking students. The relevance and expediency of the study of this topic is explained by the needs of current social development, characterized by the fundamental transformations of human being, the formation of a new system of value orientation of the individual. The system of modern higher education, its humanitarian component, carries the spiritual, cultural mission of personality formation, ensuring the possibility of self-affirmation and self-realization in society. High professionalism, language training, computer skills, realistic outlook and moral qualities of higher education applicants, future professionals – are rightly regarded today as fundamental drivers of progress. Given that these personality traits are formed through education, which gradually, more and more, comes to the forefront of social progress. The situation of modern society changes the meaning of such fundamental categories as self-organization, self-design, self-realization, reflecting the state of society and the individual as a whole. That is why the article focuses on the problems of "self", taking into account new opportunities for the person and self-organization strategies on the example of life management. Focus on a person in terms of self-organization, that is, looking at it as an open self-organizing system does not imply a direct transfer to the human-dimensional system of the whole conceptual apparatus of synergetics. Human-dimensional systems are not viewed in terms of equilibrium or as "mechanisms" but as a creative world with incomplete information and changing values. One of the factors contributing to the achievement of life goals is possession of life-management technology, which refers to the ability of a person to organize their lives so as to clearly plan their working and free time, effectively manage their resources, i.e. be able to acquire, store, develop and manage them.


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