Peculiarities of Teaching a Foreign Language for Professional Purposes to Engineering Students


  • O. Chevychelova Kharkov National Automobile and Highway University, Україна


Ключові слова:

professionally-oriented approach, competence, foreign language, learning enhancement, professional competence


Problem. At present, the problem of enhancing foreign language learning at higher technical school is highly topical. In fact, acquiring a knowledge of foreign languages is the key to the professional success of future specialists. Consequently, it is especially important to apply a professionally-oriented approach to teaching foreign languages at higher technical school as the one that provides students with sufficient foreign language skills to communicate in particular professional, business, scientific fields and situations, considering the peculiarities of professional thinking. Goal. The goal is to highlight the importance of using the professionally-oriented approach to teaching a foreign language to engineering students as well as to analyse the principals and conditions for its efficient implementation. Methodology. The observation method, descriptive and comparative methods of research as well as deduction, induction, analysis and synthesis were used when considering the peculiarities of teaching foreign language for professional purposes to engineering students. Results. The principles of teaching foreign language for professional purposes and the conditions under which the process of teaching professionally-oriented communication can be more effective are revealed. The criteria for determining the level of students’ fluency in a foreign language within the framework of professionally-oriented approach are clarified. Originality. The principals and conditions for enhancing foreign language learning at higher technical school are suggested. Practical value. By following the proposed principals, it is possible to teach students to select and use language that is accurate and appropriate for a particular situation of professionally-oriented communication; to engage in effective professional conversations expressing their thoughts coherently and with a logical flow; to use the language skills they possess to get their point across to their communication partner. It also facilitates the formation of students’ professional communicative competence through developing all types of speech activity.


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