Didactic potential of gamification in teaching a foreign language in a technical HEI
https://doi.org/10.30977/BUL.2219-5548.2019.87.0.116Ключові слова:
gamification, learning process, computer game, foreign language, technical HEIАнотація
Problem. Gamification is regarded as the application of approaches, specific for computer games, to non-gaming contexts in order to increase the effectiveness of solving applied problems. Due to the fact that gamers voluntarily spend a significant number of hours in games researchers and educators have been exploring ways to use them to increase the efficiency of the educational process in teaching various disciplines. However, this problem is still insufficiently studied with regard to the teaching of foreign languages in technical HEI. Goal. The goal is to specify educational possibilities of gamification and clarify its didactic potential in learning; to offer methods of teaching technical university students to foreign languages using the elements of gamification. Methodology. A number of requirements for creating computer games are specified. Three main categories of game elements that can be used in gameplay are identified: dynamics, mechanics, and components. Possible types of players are described depending on the content of the game. The general model of teaching foreign languages with the use of elements of gamification is defined. Examples of ready-made online gaming resources, as well as those developed by teachers themselves, are given. Results. The existing approaches to the use of gamification in the educational process are analyzed; modern tools used for the development of computer games are defined; forms and methods of gamification of the process of teaching a foreign language in the technical university are proposed. Originality. It is shown how the inclusion of elements of gamification in the process of learning a foreign language can significantly increase students’ motivation through the plot, design and interactivity of educational games. Practical value. Gamification expands possibilities of traditional learning by shifting the focus to interactive learning, encouraging non-standard thinking, and diversifying the current format of lessons. Teachers can use the theoretical principles and practical experiences described in the article in teaching foreign languages.
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