Modeling the influence of technological inequalities on a bridge floor on traffic conditions
DOI:Ключові слова:
engineering structures, bridge floor, smoothness, IRI, expansion jointАнотація
Problem. Road pavement roughness is one of the most important indicators for road transport and operational status of roads. It depends on the convenience, safety and speed of cars, the dynamic impact of the car on the road and artificial structures, transport costs, and finally, the main indicators that determine the operation of road transport – the cost of transportation and productivity of transport. At present, there is a rather important problem in Ukraine related to estimation of this indicator: Measurement of the highway roughness is carried out by kilometer, while the roughness of the road surface of artificial structures is not evaluated separately. Goal. The aim is to investigate the influence of bridges inequalities at the junction of the bridge with the embankment and in the area of deformation joints on the conditions of traffic. It is necessary to develop a model of these inequalities with the help of modern software systems and analyze the results obtained to achieve this goal. Methodology. There are 4 classes of methods and techniques for assessing equality in international practice. In order to evaluate equality for our purposes, it would be more appropriate to apply first- and second-class techniques that allow the determination of the physical profile of the road and the localization of inequalities, in particular those occurring at the junction of the bridge with the embankment and in the area of deformation joints. Equality is assessed using a special program that simulates the movement of a “golden” car on a measured profile. This technique is fundamental in measuring the International Road Index (IRI). Results. The graph of the change of equality (or in other words the instantaneous total fluctuations of the suspension of the vehicle when driving on a given profile) shows, that fluctuations exceed safety norms significantly. The analysis of the obtained graph shows that the traffic safety is much reduced with such an index of equality, this leads to the risk of the car losing the wheel during the dynamic impact. Originality Based on the obtained results, we can assume that proportionally, due to the oscillatory motions and the feedback response of the suspension, the artificial structure perceives the same impact as the car. Further research should be conducted on the effect of the shape and size of deformation joints and other elements of artificial structures on the conditions of movement of cars and, accordingly, on structures. Practical value. The construction of artificial structures is different from the construction of the road, so it is imperative to separate the artificial structures for one kilometer when examining the roads. A more detailed definition of equality in road sections containing artificial structures will allow detecting the defects in the pavement of structures that adversely affect both the comfort of traffic and the structure as a whole on time.Посилання
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