The effect of stabilizing additives on deformation performance of stone matrix asphalt
DOI:Ключові слова:
stone matrix asphalt, stabilizing additives, deformation indicators, rheological properties, shear stability, crack resistanceАнотація
The goal of the research is to establish the effect of stabilizing additives on a number of deformation and strength indicators responsible for ensuring the durability of stone matrix asphalt (SMA), which are the complex modulus of elasticity, shear stability and bending tension. The modulus of elasticity value measurement was made on KhNAHU’s vibration table using electrodynamic transducer in the temperature range from -20 °C to +50 °C. In the deformation frequency range from 0.01 Hz to 50 Hz, shear stability was estimated by the value of shear limit strength at the temperature of 50 °C on special cylinder samples in conditions of their torsion (simple shear). The bending tension value was estimated on beam sample at different load application rate at the design temperatures of 20 °C, 10 °C and 0 °C. According to temperature dependences of modulus of elasticity, the estimate of SMA physical parameters, such as conditional mechanical glass transition temperature, viscoplastic transition temperature, temperature sensitivity of material and plasticity coefficient, was obtained. The values of shear limit strength with different stabilizing additives (VIATOP, DOLONIT) were obtained. A correlation between shear stability and compressive strength at the temperature of 50 °C was established. Comparison of deformation properties of SMA with asphalt concrete and polymer asphalt concrete using the same consistency of binder was made. The effectiveness of SMA hardening by different stabilizing additives on the basis of temperature dependences of bending strength was determined. The plastic range and temperature sensitivity values of SMA are similar to those of asphalt concrete and polymer asphalt concrete. These parameters are mainly determined by the properties of binder, such as penetration, softening temperature, etc. Polymer asphalt concrete has the highest value of plastic range and the lowest one of temperature sensitivity. The similar patterns are obtained for shear stability. The choice of stabilizing additives affects the deformation-strength properties of SMA. To improve durability of SMA, it is necessary to use polymer modified bitumenПосилання
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