Design of steel-concrete beams by bearing strength using various characteristics of concrete in both tension and compression areas, partially taking into account concrete tension area performance


  • A. Petrov Petro Vasylenko Kharkov National Technical University of Agriculture, Україна
  • A. Ignatenko Kharkov National Automobile and Highway University, Україна


Ключові слова:

steel and concrete beam, concrete, steel sheet, ultimate stresses, ultimate reinforcement coefficient, reduced section


Problem statement. The research task is to develop the algorithm to select the dimensions of the lateral cross sections of concrete and a steel bar having stress limits as well as reinforcement ratio limits. A reinforcement ratio limit means a maximum stress for concrete and a steel bar. Goal. The research aims to optimize the design of steel-concrete beams to meet a bearing capacity criterion. To achieve this aim, it is necessary to develop the method of the design of steel-concrete beams taking into account the operation of concrete in a tension area. Method. The research method includes the use of structural mechanics methods and the methods to design structures in accordance with regulatory documents. Results. The research result is the algorithm to design steel-concrete beams taking into account concrete performance by stress limits in a tension area. Stress limits come into existence in concrete and a steel bar. As a result of calculation, it is possible to select the dimensions of the lateral cross sections of steel beam components – concrete and a steel bar. At the same time, stresses have to be limiting. A reinforcement ratio limit has a maximum stress. Research novelty. Research novelty is the approach proposed. It enables you to take into account concrete performance in a tension area that results in an increase of steel-concrete beam bearing strength. Practical value. Practical value is expressed in the fact that the proposed method and the algorithm enable you to select the dimensions of the lateral cross sections of concrete and a steel bar in a way that stresses simultaneously have limit values in steel beam components. This approach allows using the structure materials – steel and concrete – in a more rational way. It enables you to increase the bearing strength of a structure. In addition, the reinforcement ratio limit allows you to vary the ways of beam reinforcement.


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