Comparative evaluation of the bitumen binders adhesion by the methods normalized by national standards of Ukraine


  • Y. Pyrig Kharkiv National Automobile and Highway University, Україна
  • A. Galkin Kharkiv National Automobile and Highway University, Україна


Ключові слова:

bitumen, adhesion, determination methods


Problem. Bitumen binders as a component of the asphalt pavement must be characterized by a certain list of qualities. It includes high cohesion values, good adhesion to the surface of all mineral materials, low temperature susceptibility and high stability of properties during technological proceeding and durability pavement period.  The high rate of a new adhesives and adhesion assessment methods invention points on the topicality of the problem of improving binder adhesion and it’s validate assessment both in Ukraine, and abroad. Goal. There are a few national standards (GOST 11508-74, DSTU B V.2.7-81-98, DSTU 8787:2018, DSTU EN 12697-11:2018) that regulate the adhesion assessment of bitumen in Ukraine. The comparative analysis of adhesion values, founded by these methods, is a purpose of this research work. Methodology. Three mineral materials (quartzite, grey and red granite) of different grading are chosen for the tests. Bitumen modified by polymer, warm mix additive and a surfactant additive are used to evaluate the susceptibility of the test methods to the presence of these additives in bitumen due to the purpose of this research work. Results. The advantages and disadvantages of the analyzed methods are set due to the results of this research. It is found that difference in temperature ranks and mineral grading, set by test conditions, leads to the significant difference in adhesion values. Originality. The comparative analysis of test methods that regulates bitumen adhesion quality in Ukraine, and finding their advantages and disadvantages make the scientific originality of the presented research. Practical value. Due the research results, the advantage of adhesion value quantitative evaluation and its validity is set as a feature of adhesion test by the DSTU B V.2.7-98 method in comparison with other test methods. The improvement of the DSTU B V.2.7-98 method enables it to the modified bitumen adhesion assessment and makes the test results compatible with the European Rolling Bottle Test (DSTU EN 12697-11:2018) results.


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