Drainage problems in maintenance of bridge structures
https://doi.org/10.30977/BUL.2219-5548.2019.86.1.162Ключові слова:
bridge structures, operation, repair, road wear, waterproofing, drainageАнотація
Abstract. Reliable operation of the entire bridge structure is possible only with the joint work of road clothing and load-bearing structures, the maximum impact on the work of road clothing having waterproofing and drainage. According to a design solution in road clothing, waterproofing only deters water from reinforced concrete structures, but this water must be removed. For this purpose a drainage system is used. Therefore, the search for technical solutions and technology for the implementation of the drainage system in conditions of freezing and thawing require further development. Goal. The goal is analysis of existing systems of water treatment when maintaining the bridge structure. Methodology. To provide for reliable operation of the whole bridge structure it is necessary to ensure the common work of road clothing and bearing structures considering maximum impact of waterproofing and drainage. Results. Water drainage through drainage systems makes possible to preserve waterproofing of the bridge structure. Originality. Common work of road clothing with waterproof ensures normal operation of bridge structure on the whole. Practical value. When the drainage is high-quality, water is filtered through the pavement and drained through the drainage.
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