Features of the climate and environmental conditions of Turkmenistan influencing the structural concepts of bridges


  • O. Bezbabycheva Kharkiv National Automobile and Highway University, Україна
  • R. Ibrahimov Kharkiv National Automobile and Highway University, Україна



Ключові слова:

Turkmenistan, construction of bridges, climate and environmental conditions, structural concepts, technologies


Abstract. The article deals with the features of climate and environmental conditions of Turkmenistan influencing the engineering and technological solutions in the construction of bridges. In recent years, the development of traffic infrastructure, including the construction of complex and diverse bridge constructions, has become pertinent for Turkmenistan. International transport corridors with railway and highway bridges of different lengths and materials of construction pass through the territory of the state. Problem. The increasing role of Turkmenistan in the creation of international transport corridors and large-scale plans for the creation of new and reconstruction of existing constructions require a system concept to constructing of robust bridges. The system concept of creating robust transportation constructions involves the adoption of sound construction and technological concepts, use of materials and elements that can withstand all possible impacts during the life cycle. Goal. The goal is investigation and identification of the most difficult climate and environmental conditions for construction of traffic facilities. Methodology. An analytical review of the complex of environmental, hydro geological, climate and seismic impacts was carried out, which must be taken into account when constructing and designing such strategically crucial structures as bridges. It is shown that there is a threat of earthquakes up to peak magnitudes of 8-9 points. The range of possible operation temperatures for transport constructions is significant: from minimum (-32 ° С) to maximum + 49 ° С. Some regions of Turkmenistan are exposed to droughts, sandstorms and strong winds. At the same time, snow cover is possible in highland and submontane areas. Turkmenistan has low deposits of water resources, although 1000 km of the Amu-Darya River flows through its territory, the stream bed of which has unstable soils, which also influences the design and construction concepts. In the country’s long plan these transport structures should be developed in the framework of international cooperation, with the involvement of specialists from different countries and their regulatory framework and construction base. Оriginality. An algorithm of the selection of water insulation materials for bridge constructions is provided. Practical value. Some design and technological solutions are proposed that decrease the risks from the possible impact of the aforementioned climate and environmental external exposures. Results. The conducted analytical study allowed identifying and systematizing the conditions of Turkmenistan for climate and environmental external exposures upon the level of danger for the durability and robustness of bridge constructions, to give some recommendations for preventive protection measures.


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