The distant learning as an important part of education quality increase


  • L. Egorova Kharkiv National Automobile and Highway University, Україна


Ключові слова:

distant learning, chemistry, tests, teaching methods


Problem. The distance learning technologies cover a wide range of opportunities for presenting training material, testing and monitoring progress, therefore, the complete training process is offered. The main task is to develop a full course of the discipline with the involvement of all the possibilities of modern information and educational technologies. Hard work must be done for the collection and presentation of material, forms of assignments, tests, and more should be thought over. Distance education should be not only available, but also a quality one. Goal. The use of modern information technologies is aimed at improving chemistry learning. Methodology. The process of developing content material for the distance-learning course in chemistry is based on the following methodological approaches:

  • system (based on the content of the distance course according to job training programs);
  • complex (implementation of a complex of educational tasks, variety of methods and learning tools; application of modern information technology, assessment and integration of learning outcomes);
  • active (multi-level activities for the students according to their individual abilities);
  •  student-centered (disclosure and use of individual abilities and students’ cognitive abilities).

Results. The distance-learning course ”General chemistry” was created and implemented in the educational process. During the term a pedagogical experiment was held for the first year students of the mechanical faculty. M-12 group was offered a remote course "General chemistry" in order to get ready for "Chemistry" classes. The high efficiency of students’ independent work on a distance learning course was observed. This can be explained by a remote communication not only in a “student-teacher” environment but also in a “student-student” one. Originality. The distance-learning technologies offer a wide range of opportunities for presenting training material, testing and monitoring progress, and therefore, the wide-scaled training process is completed. Practical value. The course content chemistry based on new technology was developed and implemented in the educational process. The use of the distance-learning course helps students to surf the vast and varied educational information and find the right one for their educational trajectory; to ensure active discussion interaction between a student and a teacher or between the students themselves.

Біографія автора

L. Egorova, Kharkiv National Automobile and Highway University

Assos. Prof., Ph. D (chem.)


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