Quality control of the characteristics of motor fuels to ensure compliance with safety requirements
https://doi.org/10.30977/BUL.2219-5548.2019.86.1.80Ключові слова:
gasoline, diesel fuel, quality standard, certification, technogenic safetyАнотація
Problem. With Ukraine's adoption of the course on European integration, priority directions of work were identified both in the fuel industry and in the automotive industry, which are aimed at achieving European quality standards for gasoline and cars. Goal. The goal of the work was a comprehensive assessment of the main indicators of the quality of motor fuel. Methodology. Requirements for the quality of motor fuel in Ukraine are analyzed and compared with European standards. The results of the analysis of gasoline samples are given. A comparison of quality of motor fuels in Ukraine and international norms is conducted. The quality of motor fuels is determined by a number of characteristics: the content of sulfur in fuel, the concentration of aromatic hydrocarbons, the presence of the physical gums in gasoline, the addition of detergents, which do not allow contamination and refilling of engine parts, etc. The content of sulfur is considered, its high concentration can lead to the formation of carbon and practically neutralize the efficiency of the system of neutrons alignment of exhaust gases, interacting with metals of a neutralizer. The content of sulfur oxides in exhaust gases contributes to a number of environmental problems, for example, the formation of acid rain. Results. The quality standards of gasoline in the states of the EU and Ukraine are analyzed. Comparison of gasoline quality requirements shows roughly the same standards for high-octane gasoline in Ukraine and other countries by octane numbers, but environmental norms for gasoline in European countries are slightly higher. Special and physicochemical methods of fuel quality assessment are analyzed. Because full-length motor tests require a lot of time, are associated with high fuel consumption, engineering analysis, require economical costs, the qualification methods for assessing the quality of motor fuel have been used more widely. The indicators for assessing the quality of fuel, such as the mass fraction of sulfur, the test on the copper plate, the content of water-soluble acids and alkalis, the content of benzene, saturated vapor pressure, fractional composition, flash point, the octane number are determined. Recommendations for improving fuel quality control is prepared. All modern laboratory methods for analyzing the quality of motor fuel are sufficiently expensive, requiring a certain amount of time and trained specialists. It is possible to recommend mobile express analyzers for implementation in practice as a promising direction of developing the means of operational quality control of fuel. Such devices are much cheaper, more affordable, economical, more expedient, mobile, it takes from a few seconds to several minutes to conduct the analysis. They are promising and will be widely used. Originality. A detailed comparative analysis of domestic standards, technical regulations and current EU directives at the level of specific requirements for motor fuels is conducted. The quality of automotive fuels was monitored and the conformity of the quality of automotive fuels sold to consumers through gas stations to current national and international standards was evaluated. Practical value. The quality of gasoline at a number of well-known gas stations was assessed. On this gasoline the quantity and quality of harmful emissions that pollute the atmosphere, thereby creating a threat to the health of residents depend.
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