Reagent cleaning of oil washing water
DOI:Ключові слова:
washing waters oil, reagent purification, chloride ionsАнотація
Problem. The volumes of the oil production are growing year by year. The industrial processing of oil lies in its dehydration and demineralization. When treating oil by the method of cavitation, flashing water get enriched by chloride ions. Their presence implies the creation of chloride acid during the following technological stages of the thermal treatment of oil. HCl fumes decrease the volumes of the oil products’ production, disrupt the operation mode of oil-processing machines, worsen the calorific value and quality of petrol, and cause the corrosion of oil-processing machines. Goal. The aim of the work is purification of flushing waters of cavitation treatment from chloride ions. Objectives of the work are to determine the basic parameters of the process of the reactant purification of the cavitation treatment’s flushing waters of oil production from chloride ions and optimize its stages. Methodology. The work implied determination of chloride-ions content in periodically collected water samples. The control of the content of silver ions in he solution after the sedimentation was held on the atomic absorption spectrophotometer. The identification of sediment compounds after the sedimentation was carried out by the radiography method. The morphological peculiarities of the compound’s surface were studied in accordance with the electron-probe microanalysis method. The assessment of water acidity was carried out by the measuring device – milliohmmeter. The chemicalreagent method of sedimentation was suggested for the purification of oil flushing waters from chloride ions to the standard level of the technological process. Argentum nitrate was selected as the sedimentation reagent - its optimal amount was defined by the experimental data. Results. The basic parameters of the reagent-based process of the purification of oil flushing waters from chloride ions have been determined. Its stages have as well been optimized: the amount of the sedimentation reagent AgNO 3 in relation to chloride ions that are present at the sedimentation stage; the boiling time of the AgCl suspension; volume ratios of the decantation flushing water and the AgCl sediment on the stage of their separation; the amount of the NaOH lye necessary to process the solution left after the deсantation, with the AgCl sediment; the ratios of the lye solution that is being decantated, and the sediment formed during he separation stage; volumes of water necessary to rinse the sediment; the volumes of the concentrated HNO 3 acid during the stage of the dissolution of the produced sediment. The suggested method of thepurification of flushing waters of the cavitation oil treatment from chloride ions, that involves the chemical sedimentation of chloride ions by the Argentum nitrate, with the subsequent regeneration of the sedimentation reagent, can be used in oil-producing and oil-refining industries.Посилання
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