Synthesis of element base of the system of functionally planning control for technologies process
DOI:Ключові слова:
efficiency, information technology, parametric synthesis, electronic components, sensor, optimization, model, software and hardware complexАнотація
The task of the synthesis of element base of the system of functionally planning control for technologies process was carried out. The analysis of existing researches and publications, in which the main problem is highlighted, namely that the concept project of element base control system of software and hardware complex at this time is not enough. As a result of the analysis of existing researches and publications, the purpose of research is set, namely: to increase efficiency control system of software and hardware complex for technological process using parametric synthesis and choice of rational complex of element base. The concept of parametric synthesis, set of indicators for assessing the properties of a design system and its total effect have been substantiated. In the result of the research the structural model of an information technology of synthesis has been developed. The mathematical model of selecting the means of control systems, which has been built, will, unlike the existing ones, select the best set of means of control systems by the specified criteria and restrictions that will significantly reduce the time for objects and increase the efficiency of the enterprise performance. The practical value lies in the fact that the parametric synthesis makes it possible to design in unified system and criteria positions, structure and determine the sequence of design procedures, and affect decision time. The originality is in the fact that in the result the mathematical model of parametric synthesis of selecting the equipment of control systems for optimization technologies process and continuous monitoring quality is used.
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